
7 More Easy Ways to Be a Fantastic Parent (Six Part Series-6/6)

Health Advice All Parents Should Follow

1. Get your children vaccinated. Outbreaks of measles and other diseases still occur in our country and throughout the world. 

2. Protect that smile. Encouraging your child to brush twice a day with a dab of fluoride toothpaste will guard against cavities.

3. Be vigilant about safety. Child proof your home thoroughly, and never leave a child under 5 in the tub alone. Make sure car seats are installed correctly, and insist that your child wear a helmet when riding his bike or scooter. 

4. Listen to the doc. If your pediatrician thinks your child's fever is caused by a virus, don't push for antibiotics. The best medicine may be rest, lots of fluids, and a little TLC. Overprescribing antibiotics can cause medical problems for your child and increase the chances of creating superbugs that resist treatment. 

5. Keep sunblock next to your child's toothpaste. Apply it every day as part of the morning routine. It'll become as natural as brushing her teeth. 

6. Put your baby to bed drowsy but still awake. This helps your child learn to soothe himself to sleep and prevents bedtime problems down the line. 

7. Know when to toilet train. Look for these two signs that your child is ready to use the potty: He senses the urge to pee and poop (this is different from knowing that he's already gone), and he asks for a diaper change. 

Easy Ways to Be a Fantastic Parent

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