
7 More Easy Ways to Be a Fantastic Parent (Six Part Series-5/6)

Always Say "I Love You" 

1. Love your children equally, but treat them uniquely. They're individuals. 

2. Say "I love you" whenever you feel it, even it's 743 times  a day. You simply cannot spoil a child with too many mushy words of affection and too many smooches. Not possible. 

3. Keep in mind what grandmas always say. Children are not yours; they are only lent to you for a time. In those fleeting years, do your best to help them grow up to be good people. 

4. Savor the moments. Yes, parenthood is the most exhausting job on the planet. Yes, your house is a mess, the laundry's piled up, and the dog needs to be walked. But your child just laughed. Enjoy it now--it will be over far too fast. 

Boost Brainpower & Physical Activity

5. Teach your baby to sign. Just because a child can't talk doesn't mean there isn't lots that she'd like to say. Simple signs can help you know what she needs and even how she feels well before she has the words to tell you--a great way to reduce frustration.

6. Keep the tube in the family room. Research has repeatedly shown that children with a TV in their bedroom weigh more, sleep less, and have lower grades and poorer social skills.

7. Get children moving. The latest research shows that brain development in young children may be linked to their activity level. Place your baby on her tummy several times during the day, let your toddler walk instead of ride in their stroller, and create opportunities for your older child to get plenty of exercise. 

Easy Ways to Be a Fantastic Parent

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