
August 2011 Parent Resource Information


One of the best things you can teach a young child to say is their name, address, and phone number. When learning the address and phone number, it may be easier if you "sing" or say them in a fun way. Help your child practice saying these in the car, at bedtime, or during meals. Tell your child of he/she gets lost or needs help, he/she can tell his name and address to a police officer, fire fighter, store clerk, or another parent with children.


Here are a few nature art activities you can try to make with your child from familyfun.go.com.

**Go on a nature hike with your child and find a rock to make a pet rock.

For the activity you will need rocks & pebbles, glue (hot glue lasts longest, but white glue and glue stickswork well), googly eyes and pom-poms, fun fur, scissors, and acrylic paints & paintbrushes.


1) Set out the rocks and decorating supplies on a big table.

2) Look for natural features in the rocks that resemble noses, chins, ears, and so on.

3) Stick pebbles, googly eyes, and pom-poms in place with glue. Kids can also use fun fur for hair, mustaches, and beards or apply additional features with acrylic paint.

**Mud Cupcakes

For this activity you will need cupcake liners, cupcake pan, mud, nature objects such as berries, flowers, and pebbles.


Simply place liners in a cupcake panand fill them with mud batter, then decorate the cakes with natural objects such as berries, flowers, and pebbles.

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