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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Free App to Help Prepare Your Child for Kindergarten

Ready4K is a text messaging program for parents of preschoolers designed to help them prepare their children for kindergarten. Each week during the school year, parents receive three texts about important kindergarten readiness skills. For example...

Click here for full article.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


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Friday, July 1, 2016

Tips to Help You Teach Your Child

Click here for some ideas from Children See Children Learn on teaching your child.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Top 10 Parenting Tips

1. Connect

Set aside 10 minutes of special time every day for each child. One day, they pick what to do. The next day, you pick. But focus all your attention on your child, with all your heart.

2. Control your own emotions.

No matter what the issue--bad grades at school, temper tantrums, refusal to eat dinner--before you intervene with your child, always start by calming yourself. Most of the time, an issue with your child may feel like an emergency, but it isn't. You can take a deep breath and step away in order to calm yourself and be the parent you want to be.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

When Parents Should Be Concerned About Early Reading Skills

As the parent, you play an important role in your child's development. Children are continually gaining important knowledge and skills that will help them learn to read, write, and succeed in school when they get older. It is important that you observe your child carefully and regularly share your observations with teachers, caregivers and health care providers. Sharing information about skills and about possible concerns will avoid later frustration, if your child shows signs of struggle.

Early is Better

If your child is having difficulties learning, it's never too early to start looking for ways to help him or her experience success. Maybe you think your child should be able to do something that he or she is not yet doing. And maybe you think that, overall, your child's development is right on the mark. In either case, you can take the lead to find out if your child would benefit from some extra or specially targeted help. There are many people who share your goal of helping your child succeed. You can ask a teacher, school, or pediatrician to point you in the right direction. Remember, with the right instruction and support, almost all children can become successful readers right from the start. Here's what you can do next.